The Link®
  MACAU e o desejo  do tempo anacrónico
[JA 193, Setembro de 1996]
in J-A, Antologia 1981-2004
  [11]  HERITAGE, city nostalgia and
hypochondrias of the heart 
  Transportation in the scope of Public Policy
  Nóia e Paranóia, a dinâmica da natureza e do comportamento humanos

From Urban substance to Hypnodromic urbanism

Reasons not to use eraser:
Disneyfication e as três grooves do Rato Mágico
Consulta para o Projecto da Escola Portuguesa de Macau
História, Património e Nostalgia


The basis of substance for a Contemporary Architecture in Macau, by Mário Duque


The basis of substance for an Historic City, by Mário Duque
  Draft for an Academic Architecture Curriculum in Macau


Seven Point for the Millennium
An Untimely Manifesto
Draft Address for the UIA Beijing Conference, June 1999,
by Kenneth Frampton
The Court Yard Houses in Beijing, by Daozeng Li
Die Hofhäuser in Beijing, von Daozeng Li
Zhu Zhong Chang District in Beijing, by Boulin Hu

鑄鐘廠地區更新研究, 胡寶林

Zhu Zhong Chang-Gebiet in Beijing, von Boulin Hu
  Defesa dos Direitos, Prerrogativas e Interesses Profissionais em Macau. Enquadramento profissional e associativo. Ocorrências desde 1998 de intervenção associativa.  
Safeguard of Professional Rights  and other issues in Architecture Practice in Macau. Professional and associative environment . Situations of associative intervention and consideration since 1998.
Building renewal in Lisbon
Underground Parking and Street Cafe at Largo da Sé
Detached House Urban Settlement
Roof Top - Macau
Last updated: 23 Sep 2007


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